Daily Schedule

8:45 – 11:15

Morning Class 

Our morning begins with the children trading out their shoes for slippers, entering the Montessori prepared environment and beginning their self directed learning for the day. Teachers act as guides following the children’s interest and pace of learning and presenting new materials when ready. Our work cycle concludes with a circle time of singing, calendar and group presentations.

11:15 – 12:00

Morning Class Ends/Lunch Time

Half Day Morning students are picked up.  Students staying all day formally set the table family style for lunch with placemats, napkins, glass plates and cups. Teachers join the students at the meal to facilitate pleasant conversation and appropriate manners.  This is a wonderful time of relationship building.

12:00 – 12:15

Outdoor Play/Afternoon Half Day Students Arrive

While our all day students continue to play outside, the afternoon children arrive, play outside briefly then begin their afternoon in the Montessori prepared environment. When the all-day students arrive indoors, they join the afternoon class or go to the Great Room for rest or activities.


Afternoon Class Ends/After School Daycare begins

Half day and School Day Plan students are picked up. Premium Plan students enjoy a
“second lunch”, play time in the Great Room and then head outside for more fresh air.


School  Closes